Software solutions

We focus on systems development that improves and automates manual processes mainly in the following areas:


We implement LMS platforms based on Moodle and other open platforms. We design a unique user experience, which allows the student to efficiently take advantage of the contents and methodologies behind blended learning.


We design and develop Software that helps companies and commerce to grow, automating and improving certain manual processes in their business logic. We provide the necessary tools that boost the digital transformation of our clients.


We create tools that help doctors improve patient management in the medical office, as well as keep a better record of health information that helps improve diagnosis.

Our Mission

“Our mission is to help our business clients improve with technology. We offer consulting, Hardware & Software solutions, and training through our products and services. Our goal is to make their work processes easier and more efficient, ultimately contributing to the growth of their business”



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Get in Touch

Call and tell us your questions, we will gladly assist you. Or if you prefer write and share with us that great idea you have.

Find us at the office

Morelos #186, Col. Centro.
Sahuayo, Michoacán, México


(353) 100-3631